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Drupal Advanced Site Layouts for Themers


Drupal  Advanced Site Layouts for Themers


Carl Spies

This course is currently not active. Feel free to submit an enquiry.


Learn how to use a flexible system to control what displays on your site and where through configuration. Learn how to configure per-page or per-section layouts; or set up custom layouts for anonymous or selected roles; and control where content is displayed. Panels is a popular Drupal module used to create individual pages with complex layouts of your content (3 column vs 2 column layout, with or without a top header or footer, etc). We'll show you how to use Panels to take over existing pages such as the node creation page, and cover how to use Panels in conjunction with Views to create context-specific displays of your data. We'll explain how to embed views within Panels, create custom block sections, create custom node displays, and create custom administration pages.

By the end of the training you will be able to:
  • Create customizable, configurable layouts.
  • Create a system to allow users to modify layout without touching code.
  • Employ contexts and variants for a control over display of content depending on context such as page or user role.

Delivery Methods

Leading Training is focusing on providing virtual training courses for the foreseeable future and will only consider in-person and classroom training on request, with a required minimum group size of six delegates. We remain committed to offering training that is fast, focused and effective.


Web designers.


Completion of Drupal System Administration training or equivalent experience with Drupal.

Course Outline / Curriculum

  1.  Custom Blocks and Image Styles
  2. How to Use Display Suite for Grouping Fields and Positioning Content
  3. How to Use the Context Module for Positioning Content
  4. How to Use Panels for Positioning Content
  5. Advanced Views
  6. More Advanced Views (Aggregation and Relationships With Relationships)
  7. Where Display Modules Overlap and URL Strategy