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Self Esteem and Assertiveness


Self Esteem and Assertiveness


Anger Management: Understanding Anger
Business Etiquette: Gaining That Extra Edge
Communicating Across Cultures
Communication Techniques SAQA US12433
Conflict Resolution The Definitive Approach
Courageous Conversations
Critical Thinking
Emotional Intelligence SAQA US252031
Leading With Emotional Intelligence
Mindfulness and Resilience
Problem Solving and Decision Making
Relationship Management
Self-Mastery and Emotional Intelligence
Stress Management
Time Management US-242811


Andrew Badham

Carl Spies Chris Moodley Debbie Green Hunt
Kerrin Badham


A one-day workshop on discovering how you see yourself, overcoming negativity, realising your worth, and practicing techniques in communicating assertively.

A one-day course in feeling good about who you are and realising your intrinsic value and worth and your right to be heard. Skills in overcoming negativity and expressing needs assertively are shared and rehearsed.

Delivery Methods

Leading Training is focusing on providing virtual training courses for the foreseeable future and will only consider in-person and classroom training on request, with a required minimum group size of six delegates. We remain committed to offering training that is fast, focused and effective.

Delivery Method Duration Price (excl. VAT)
Classroom 1 Day ZAR 2,750.00 Get a Quote
Live Virtual Training 1 Day ZAR 2,250.00 Get a Quote

Discounts Available

Save up to 10% by booking and paying 10 business days before the course.


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Information may change without notice.


Anyone needing to grow in confidence and stand up for who they are and what they want in relationships


Self Mastery Course

Course Outline / Curriculum

This one-day workshop will help you teach participants how to:

  • Grow in the conviction that they are competent and worthy of happiness
  • Make a positive first impression
  • Turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts
  • Make requests so that you get what you want
  • Find ways of connecting with people


  • Introduction and Course Overview
    • You will spend the first part of the day getting to know participants and discussing what will take place during the workshop. Students will also have an opportunity to identify their personal learning objectives.
  • Anxiety Inventory
    • As a pre-assignment, participants were asked to complete an anxiety inventory. We will discuss the test in general during this session.
  • Building Your Self-Esteem
    • During this session, you will lead a discussion around two key questions: Just what does self-esteem mean? What are some of the things that affect our self-esteem?
  • Impressions
    • During this session, participants will brainstorm things that create a positive impression and a negative impression. Participants will also identify an action item to change in the next 21 days.
  • Fake it ‘til You Make It
    • Sometimes we must put on a brave front even if we don’t feel like it. During this session we will discuss just how to do this and when it is appropriate.
  • Increasing Our Self-Esteem
    • So far we have looked at external things that affect a person’s self-esteem. Now we will focus on the internal factors; the things that we think about ourselves.
  • Self Confidence
    •  During this session, we will discuss seven easy ways to increase your confidence.
  • The Power of Thoughts
    • Through personal exercises, small presentations, and a case study, participants will explore how thoughts can impact a person’s self esteem.
  • Wipe Out Worry
    • Everyone worries, but too much worrying can be bad for your health. We will discuss four techniques that participants can use to manage worrying.
  • Ask for What You Want
    • Asking for something can be hard, especially if you don’t feel confident. This session will discuss four ways to successfully ask for what you want. Participants will then apply the knowledge to a case study.
  • Communication
    • The way we view the world, or the windows through which we see the world, can either help or hinder our communication with others. During this session, participants will identify their windows. Then, through large group discussion, they will identify whether those windows are a positive or negative influence.
  • Connecting with People
    • Dale Carnegie, the author of How to Win Friends and Influence People, gave us several important principles to consider and to incorporate into our lives to help us better connect with our fellow humans. We will discuss seven of his principles in this session.
  • Behavior Cost-Benefit Analysis
    • To sum up what participants have learned, they will be asked to take a look at the behaviors they want to change and the possible costs and benefits of those changes.
  • Workshop Wrap-Up
    • At the end of the day, students will have an opportunity to ask questions and fill out an action plan.


Schedule Dates and Booking

There are currently no scheduled dates.

Please note that this course needs a minimum of 6 delegates to schedule a course. You can choose to be added to the waiting list by clicking the button below, and we will contact you when we have enough delegates interested. Should we not get enough delegates, we will refund or credit your paid booking.

Add me to the waiting list

Should you need this course urgently, the following options are available:

  1. Pay for 6 delegates (whether you have them or not) and we will schedule the course as soon as possible.
  2. If you have fewer delegates and cannot pay for 6, we can negotiate a shortened course where some of the time will be spent in blended learning - watching videos and doing tutorials and exercises with some contact time with the trainer. We would want to discuss what your core needs are so that we cover those aspects. You need to have paid for 3 delegates at least.
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