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Accredited Business Leadership
Achieving High Impact Virtual Engagements
Analyse Financial Information SAQA US252036
Business and Report Writing
Business Etiquette: Gaining That Extra Edge
Business Writing Skills SAQA US 12153
Business Writing that Works
Change Management SAQA US252021
Closing the Generation Gap
Coach Managers SAQA US252035
Communicating Across Cultures
Communication Techniques SAQA US12433
Conduct Negotiations SAQA US117853
Conflict Resolution The Definitive Approach
Contract Management
Cultural Intelligence (CQ)
Customer Centric Employee
Decision Making SAQA US252026
Developing High-Performance Teams
Diversity & Conflict Management
Introduction to Project Management
Inventory Management
IT for non IT Managers
Knowledge Management SAQA US252044
Leadership Essentials SAQA US120300
Manage Conflicts SAQA US114226
Manage Finances SAQA US252040
Manage Organisational Culture SAQA US252042
Manage Recruitment SAQA US12140
Manage Talent SAQA US252029
Manage Team Performance SAQA US252034
Management Development Programme Extended
Management Development Programme Shortened
Managing Diversity SAQA US252043
Managing Risk in a Unit SAQA US252025
Managing the Project Team
Managing Virtual Teams
Managing Workplace Relationships SAQA US252027
Motivating Your Employees
National Certificate in Management
Negotiating Skills for Results
Operational Planning SAQA US252032
POPIA PAIA Compliance
Presentation Skills (US13925)
Promote a Learning Culture SAQA US252041
Promoting Innovation SAQA US252020
Protecting Intellectual Property
Public Finance Management Act
Relationship Management
Risk Management (Risk Analysis)
Risk Management Bootcamp
Risk Management Bootcamp Day2
Risk Management Bootcamp Day3
The Accredited Professional Manager SAQA US252037
The Accredited Professional Supervisor
The Professional Manager
The Professional Supervisor
Time Management US-242811
Writing Reports and Proposals


Andrew Badham

Christa Loots
Dr Charles Cotter
Kerrin Badham


The skills that underpin all other soft-skills.
A solid scientifically backed model approach to understanding your brain and its effect on the way you respond to your environment and relationships. The aim is to better understand how we as humans think and feel and the effect our emotions have on our brains to enable us to develop our control mechanisms to behave appropriately and understand the reasons behind what we and others do. We discuss practical models of the brain and the BICEP model of social state management to help with this understanding. The assumption is that we are complex beings who have had a long history of development to become who we are. And we are in a process of growth and development. We want to adapt to lead more fulfilling lives and to be more productive.

The ultimate aim is for us to self-actualise, ie to perform at one's own unique creative potential. This process is infused with meaning.

In this course you will learn to:

  • Understand attention and its limits
  • Building self awareness through understanding brain models
  • Understanding the BICEP model as a tool in diagnosing your state
  • Understand and practice state management
  • Understand the language of Strengths and map your top 5 strengths
  • Develop your own Personal Canvas (related to strengths)
  • Understanding the meaning of Flow State
  • Understand and apply performance and meaning quadrant
  • Understand how we best learn

Delivery Methods

Leading Training is focusing on providing virtual training courses for the foreseeable future and will only consider in-person and classroom training on request, with a required minimum group size of six delegates. We remain committed to offering training that is fast, focused and effective.

Delivery Method Duration Price (excl. VAT)
Classroom 1 Day ZAR 2,750.00 Get a Quote
Live Virtual Training 1 Day ZAR 2,250.00 Get a Quote

Discounts Available

Save up to 10% by booking and paying 10 business days before the course.


Download Brochure

Information may change without notice.

Introduction Video


This course is for everyone who wants greater insight into how people operate socially and the WHY behind emotionally-charged behaviour. It is particularly useful to people who need to influence others for example leaders, team members, facilitators, HR professionals and sales professionals.


Computer literacy helpful as resources are accessed via the Internet.

Course Outline / Curriculum

  •  Developing a Growth Mindset
    • What mindset do you have?
  • The Illusion of Attention
  • The Model of the Triune Brain
    •     How do these three brain structures work?    
    •     Losing Control of the Downstairs Brain
    •     Hand Model of the Brain
    •     Flipping your Lid Video
    •     Strategies to prevent flipping your lid
    •     Express – say what you feel.
    •     Suppress - push it down and deny the feeling.
    •     Re-frame – think of it is a new way. Give it a new meaning.     
    •     Put it in perspective
  •  BICEP Model as a means of managing your emotional state
    • Self Analysis using BICEP (practical application)
  • Neuroplasticity
  • Mindfulness
  • 8 Steps to practice Mindfulness
  • The Meaning of Self-actualization
  • Strengths
  • The Language of Strengths The Strengths Tests
    • 1. Executing
    • 2. Influencing
    • 3. Relationship-building
    • 4. Strategic Thinking
  • Strengths and Team Mapping
  • Business Model You
    • Resources (You)
    • Activities
    • Customer
    • Value Provided
    • Channel
    • Practical Application – mapping your key strengths
  • Flow State
    • What Is A Flow State?
    • How To get Into Flow
  • Meaning and Performance
  • Enhancing Learning
    • Retaining information

Schedule Dates and Booking

To apply for a booking, click on the relevant "Book Now" button below.
Note: places are only fully secured once payment has been made.

Leading Training is focusing on providing virtual training courses for the foreseeable future and will only consider in-person and classroom training on request, with a required minimum group size of six delegates. We remain committed to offering training that is fast, focused and effective.

Start Date End Date Branch Status  
Thu 10 Oct 2024 Thu 10 Oct 2024 Fourways Provisional Enquire
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